Dinner with newlywed

Posing dulu sebelum makan

AYOM : Fuh..fuh..fuh.. (ish, abang nih, banyak btol melantak)

WAN : Hish…kering pulak tekak aku nih

Ayam yg selamat dibelah dua, sementara Ayom menyuap dgn penuh selera

ps : thanks for coming. Next time gathering kite buat bbq pulak ok?.

Kisah Makcik Urut di pusat SPA

This story was happened on last Sunday. I went to the massage session at one SPA at Bandar Puteri, Puchong. Previously, they had different staffs and their staffs are quite few and more professional compared to now.

I ‘ve a bad guts ever since I’ve done my RF here. Firstly, the way of their staffs treated me. Seriously, they have a big mouth. Too much talking during my session which obviously, I can’t relax and enjoyed the treatment. Another thing is, they didn’t respect my privacy. Let me explain this, while I’ve a session in the  room with staff A ( I guess her age is around mid 30th) and suddenly, staff B , in mid 50th of age came to my room and she wants to have a chit chat with me. Fine, I’m totally ok with that..until, staff B that Mak cik, started to ask me regarding my healthy and general questions about myself which I think, that was her strategy to get more information about myself. She asked me, from where’s my place, my office, my hometown, my jobs, how many kids that I have, how was I delivered my daughter, who is taking care my daughter, until how many siblings that I have and bla..bla..bla…… Honestly, I am very polite person therefore I answered all her questions without fail!. (Huh!..I’m really regret now)

The Incident was happened when staff A gave me a massage particular at my legs and suddenly she said… Awwww….rase mcm ader jarum la kat tapak tgn akak” and that Mak Cik, which already been there from the beginning of the session staring at her. Later, she’d tried again..and she keep saying that, she’s felt her palm was burned and she add… ” macam ader pasir”.

Being me, I was just smiled and pretend to act normal like nothing was happened. See?.. kakak tuh mulut mmg celupar mcm tader insurans!. You know what? I’ve a skin problem ever since I was a kid and according to my specialist, I’ve an eczema and all my siblings have that!. But the seriousness was diff from others. Why don’t you go back and google it. If you don’t have an internet at your place , please go to any cybercafe nearby at your house. If you still blank , you better join my father’s I.T class which we called it CELIK IT at Simpang Empat.

So, without being asking, that Mak Cik was came and touched my both legs with her eyes closed. Less than 3min, as she opened her eyes, she said…‘ko ni ader saka’….baik ko buang cepat’ ….’saka ko nih dari sebelah datuk/moyang bapak ko’

WHAT?…I was really freaked out . How on earth she know that?. Then, I asked..’macam mana mak cik tau?’ then, the staff A answered…“jgn tanya la macam mana die tau”….(hellooo..I didn’t ask you, so pls shut your big mouth!)

When I asked that Mak Cik what should I do, then again, she put her both hands on myl egs same as before and closed her eyes. Finally, she said… ” die nak ayam hitam” (WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?). Fine, I’m aware that, Jin, syaitan are exist!. But, I know, something is wrong here. Looking at my shocking face, she was tried to calm me down by saying…’takper, susah nak dpt tuh, kejap…” she repeated her step again and after that, while closing her eyes…she mentioned this to me .. ” bawak 4/5 jenis limau, mandi 3 kali berturut2..bayaran sebanyak RM66 and mandi bunga yg terakhir, RM77++…

Another things that she mentioned was ..I have to bring a  pray mat  and kain batik nak ‘buang’ that thing. HAH?. ….She told me so many things that I hate and I don’t want to hear. Like, “nanti bende tuh kaco ko laki bini..nak porak peranda kan rumahtangga ko” (dlm hati ckp….tu sumer kuasa ALLAH, nothing can bit his power) Although I’m not a religious person, but I’m really put everything in ALLAH’s hand apart than, usaha and doa. I just don’t want to dwell all these things with them bcoz I know, that will be only wasting my time. At first, I was really2 freak out. Once, I got inside the car, I was made a phone called to Ayom..told the story from A to Z and resulting her freak out too. Hehehehe…but that only temporary…on that night…I feel like nothing was happened and life goes on as usual.

The main thing that I was still thinking rite until now, do the owner of the SPA aware about this?. That Makcik once told me that, ‘kalau nak dtg berubat telepon la dulu, tapi jgn telepon sini, telepon hp makcik’. Owh, not only that, they also make their own business, like selling ubat tradisional and yes!..they asked me to keep  my mouth shut!. Before, I left the SPA at the counter…I managed to asked her this qustions :

Me : Ramai ker yang ader saka dtg kat sini?

Mak Cik : Hphhhh!!!! ramaaaaaaaaiiiiii..macam2 ader, Langsuir, Pelesit, Pontianak…

Me : yang saya punye nih ape?

Mak Cik : Hantu Ghayeee!!!!

Me : ( Gulp ). Ok, takper la, balik dulu…bagi salam and chiow.

ps : Dear Mak Cik and Kakak, please do not use the SPA as like your own business office. Making such of ridiculous things like that will only make yourselves in trouble. We do have a religion and ALLAH as a God. Why must you use a term like ‘hantu’/ ‘ayam hitam’ while you can asked me to recite particular surah in the Holy Al-Quran Instead. I swear, I’ll never go to your SPA anymore , unless..both of you are fired!!!!!!!!

English Please!

Todayent to Econsave with Kak shiken, my roommate.

Well, Econsave is our firts choice in this pekan Pontian.

I met my student while I am deciding what biscuits to buy. He kissed my hands and grinned at me, looked like a 9-year- old ‘si debok’ ehe.

I talked to him in English because the boy is studying in Year 3A (the top class). I teach him Science. Later I heard his friend who accompanied him asked the boy, “Eh, ko paham ke?”

hehehe. So funny!

Btw, I should tell you guys that I am chosen as a Setiausaha PIBG Sekolah.

hehe. boleh lawan ayah dah ni.hehehe.

post pertama ayom dan wan


FirmanNya di dalam Surah Yunus ayat 10:

“Katakanlah: Siapakah yang memberi rezeki kepadamu dari langit dan bumi atau siapakah yang memliki penciptaan, pendengaran dan penglihatan? Siapakah yang mengeluarkan yang hidup dari yang mati dan mengeluarkan yang mati dari yang hidup dan siapakah yang mengatur segala urusan? Maka mereka akan menjawab: Allah! Maka katakanlah: Mengapa kamu tidak bertakwa kepadaNya?”

semoga kita sume tergolong dalam hamba2 Nya yang sentiasa mensyukuri nikmatNya..

kita x punya apa2..sumenye milik Allah..

ini post pertama..

Sabtu (9 Januari 2010)

ayom n wan pegi umah angah…smbut befday mbak yana..tq angah sbb masak mcm2…pulut kuning yg lemmbbuuuuuuutttttt..bersama rendang kerang..soto ayam…agar2…sumyenye sedap..(saturday nite)

early moning on sunday (10.1.2010)..ayom turun ke dapur b4  7 a.m…cari pulut kuning..panaskan n makan…pastu..wetengnye masuk angin…mumeeetttt …kul 10 breakfast lagi..cucur udang..

then..went to paman’s house..after zohor..plan g lambat..sbb bibik said..’nanti masaqannya x syiap lagik mak laong’..makan nasik minyak,ayam masak kicap, kari dalca..sedaappp…

 itu shj post yg pertama..sumenye tentang makanan…em..hannah comel dan pandai sgt..dah boleh pgl ‘lang’.tp selalunye pgl..laauuu..like acik..ayang=ayam..he..

ok..ayom berada di banting sampai 16 Jan..wan sgt bz dgn kerje2 sekolahnye..pagi ptg keje..mcm atok apabila kerja sebeban diberi oleh wak karman..ketua kampung kesayangan acik..hehe..

tk care sume org

Selamat hari lahir

Buat  kak yana

Di kesempatan ini Acik ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Lahir yang ke 27 (isi sendiri sebab lupa..huhuhu)

Semoga hidup akak sentiasa diberkati, bahagia dan gembira serta mendapat rezeki yang melimpah ruah dari bisnes kasut akak.hehehe.

Semoga Allah terima segala kebaikan akak dan mengampunkan segala kesilapan dan dosa yang dahulu dan kemudian

doakan Acik juga.

Sayang & rindu akak selalu..

Acik, Johor


1)      15.12.09. Alhamdulillah Abang Wan, Alim and Acik had a bliss moment exploring Gua Tempurung in Gopeng (while Ayom was lecturing her students..huhu) We were amazed with the beautiful scenery in the cave plus the spiral staircase which is thoroughly built inside the cave.

2)      We found the stalactite and stalagmite have been formed into different unique shapes. Yes, Subhanallah. The ranger made funny remarks when he said “tengok ni gamba hantu ada, gamba orang ada, etc, etc” while he was pointing out the stalactite and stalagmite to us.

3)      And the funniest thing was, we paid for 40 minutes guided tour and got an orange sticker each but we followed one hour and 45 minutes tour instead.

4)       When someone in the group realized and said “eh, kenapa orang yang pakai sticker oren pun ikut jugak?”  The ranger replied, “nak buat macam mana dah depa nak ikut?” hehehe.

5)      We really didn’t know about that and just blindly followed the crowd since there was no instruction given prior to the tour plus nobody stopped us and told us that we had followed the wrong group. I think they were too busy entertaining other people.

6)       Terima kasih semua dan kami minta maaf.huhu

7)      Btw, untuk abang wan dan ayom: We (Acik and Alim) would like to thank you both for a great hospitality. We can’t thank you enough. Wish you a barakah and happy marriage till you both reach Jannah. Insha Allah. Till we meet again!

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